Donate to the British Red Cross

You can help us reach people in crisis. Please donate what you can.

How much would you like to donate?

Together, we are the world’s emergency responders.

Whenever you see a major emergency in the news, it’s likely that the British Red Cross are helping those affected.

In 192 countries around the world, we use our local knowledge and global expertise to react quickly with essential aid and humanity, saving lives and giving comfort to those who need it.

Here in the UK we also people who are vulnerable, providing them with care and compassion. Whether we’re helping someone home from hospital, or running services for refugees and survivors of trafficking, we make sure people don’t have to face their problems alone.

But as more emergencies hit overseas and crises mount at home, we need your support to reach those most in need.

Please help the British Red Cross’ work with an online donation todayWhatever you can give will help us be here for humanity – responding to emergencies, planning for future ones, and building strong, resilient communities in the UK and around the world.

Donate to the British Red Cross today.

What can my donations to the British Red Cross do?

  • £10 could let a volunteer take someone who is isolated to a local activity group, helping them to overcome feelings of loneliness.
  • £24 could provide a set of warm clothes to a child in the UK who has lost everything in a fire.
  • £50 could help provide schoolchildren in Bangladesh training sessions on how to keep themselves and others safe when natural disasters strike.
  • £100 could provide someone facing hardship in the UK with a wheelchair for 5 weeks through the assistance programme.

What could a regular gift do?

A regular gift helps us plan our work, because donating to the Red Cross this way lets us know how much income we’ll have in the future. It also allows you to plan your giving and gives you the flexibility to change it at any time.

Regular gifts help our teams on the ground provide people in crisis in the UK and around the world with:

  • food, clean water, shelter, clothing and first aid in an emergency
  • emergency response services
  • refugee support services 
  • support to victims of modern slavery and trafficking 
  • wheelchair services
  • help to find missing family

If you’re able to donate to the Red Cross via a regular gift, every time you hear about our work, you’ll know you’ve played a part in it.

Donate to the Red Cross.

Donating to other Red Cross appeals

You can also donate to appeals that help people specifically affected by emergencies in Turkey-SyriaSomaliaPakistan, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Yemen, the UK or Syria.


We refuse to ignore people in crisis. We help people cope with disasters, conflicts and personal crises in the UK and overseas.

Other ways to donate

By phone

By post

Direct Debit by Post