Summer Press Inserts

Donate now to help people in crisis

How much would you like to donate?

A severe food crisis is escalating across Africa – please help.

Thank you so much for reading the letter I sent, and for taking the time to come to this page. 
Right now, hopefully you’re thinking about donating to support the next person who’ll suddenly find themselves in a crisis situation – whether that’s a conflict, a natural disaster, or an accident at home. 
Your donation really will make a huge difference for someone in their moment of need, wherever they might be in the world, and if you look below you’ll get an idea of just some of the things your kindness can do for people. 
This life changing work is only possible thanks to gifts from supporters like you, so I really hope you can give something today – but please don’t donate if you don’t feel able to, and if you need any support yourself, here is a good place to start.

Thank you.

£25 could give emergency food for a family of four who’ve been evacuated from their home due to flooding.
£50 could help provide winter clothes to a child to keep them warm.
£100 could buy 65 mosquito nets for a community hit by a cyclone, protecting them from disease.

Your kindness today can make a real difference for someone caught up in an emergency, whoever and wherever they are.
Make a donation 

Other ways to donate

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0300 023 0818

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