Donate to the Global Coronavirus Appeal

Donate today. Lives are at stake.

How much would you like to donate?

A Global Pandemic

Don’t feel that your gift is too small to help. It isn’t.

People across the world are falling into extremely vulnerable situations. Many hospitals are full, people are struggling to access medical care, food and water, as well as masks and hand sanitiser to help protect themselves against the virus.

From providing oxygen, ambulance services, first aid and PPE in India to supporting the vaccination rollout in Bangladesh, Red Cross teams are providing critical help to those who need it most.

We cannot leave anyone behind in our response to this deadly pandemic. Please, if you can, donate to our Global Coronavirus Appeal right now. Your donation will reach someone who urgently needs it, no matter where they are in the world.

How is the Red Cross helping people around the world?

Thanks to the kindness of people like you, we've helped:

79.5 million

people with food and other critical relief items in 123 countries

106.2 million

people with water and sanitation support in 116 countries


hard to reach people get vaccinated in 14 countries so far

Other ways to donate

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