Donate to the Disaster Fund Appeal

Please donate what you can.

How much would you like to donate?

You can help people affected by disaster today

When disaster strikes, the Red Cross will be there for people when the worst happens, no matter who they are or where they’re from. In any emergency – in the UK and abroad – every second counts, and we must be ready to act immediately.  

People need relief and help to recover after a disaster. We provide urgent aid to support them, including: 

-first aid  
-food, clean water and shelter  
-cash to buy essentials like warm clothing and medicine  
-emotional support 

How you can help the British Red Cross respond to a disaster

We rely on the generosity of people like you to help thousands of people in crisis. Supporting our Disaster Fund is the best way to help give people the care and kindness they need.  

Your generous donation will help us respond to disasters in the UK and around the world including armed conflict, climate emergencies like wildfires, flooding and drought, and natural disasters including earthquakes and tsunamis.  

Where buildings like hospitals are destroyed, we fill the gaps so people can still receive critical medical care. When the trauma of losing a home tears families apart and leaves communities reeling, we listen to what they’re going through, and help them move forward. And after any disaster our teams stay there for as long as they’re needed.  

Thank you for anything you can afford to give today to help our disaster response – your kindness is greatly appreciated.  

Donate to the Disaster Fund Appeal

Other ways to donate

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